Technology seems to be advancing at an incredible rate. We have AI, pseudo self-driving cars, and yes – laser dentistry. Although to talk about laser dentistry as if it’s new is somewhat inaccurate. Dentists have actually been using lasers commercially since the early 90’s.
If you’re skeptical about aiming a concentrated beam of light at your pearly whites, that fact might help you feel a bit better. But you’re probably still wondering why you should consider laser dentistry in the first place. What treatments are the lasers used for? Are they better than traditional methods? Keep reading to find out the answers.
What is Laser Dentistry and What is It Used For?
Star Wars and other sci-fi media have made the idea of lasers pretty mainstream. Still, let’s remember that “laser” is an acronym that stands for “Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation”. Basically, lasers are intense, narrow beams of light. In dentistry, there are two common types:
- Soft tissue lasers are gentler, and used for soft oral tissue, such as gums.
- Hard tissue lasers are better for harder substances like teeth.
They can be used for many treatments, including but not limited to:
- Cosmetic adjustments
- Gum disease
- Clearing out lip and tongue ties
- Ulcer treatment
- Diagnosing tooth decay and cavities
Clearly laser dentistry has lots of potential. But why in the world should you choose a fancy laser over traditional dental methods?
What Are the Benefits of Laser Dentistry?
Lasers can be especially beneficial for patients with dental anxiety or severely sensitive teeth. They’re gentler, quieter, and less invasive than what you’re used to seeing at your dentist’s office.
In fact, they offer a ton of important benefits for patients to enjoy! In general, when receiving laser dentistry, you’ll:
- Bleed less
- Hurt less
- Heal faster
- Experience limited discomfort
- Enjoy less risk for infection
- Avoid more damage to any surrounding tissue
- Need fewer – if any – stitches
Overall, laser dentistry offers more comfort and precision. Dental technology is always getting better too, so it’s likely these benefits will increase as time goes on.
Would My Dentist Recommend Laser Dentistry?
Those advantages sound peachy and all, but is a laser treatment safe? Would a professional actually recommend this method? The answer to both of those questions is yes.
The FDA approved laser dentistry in 1994, and many experts consider it safer than traditional tools. Additionally, your dentist must be trained in using each laser device they have in-office, otherwise they’re not permitted to use them for treatment. Many dentists are excited about laser treatment technology and are hopeful about its impact on future dentistry.
If you’re also excited about the prospect of laser dentistry, don’t hesitate to ask your dentist for more details! They’ll be happy to talk with you about the technology and go over your treatment options.
About the Practice
Our team of highly qualified dentists is delighted to offer laser treatment options at 21st Century Dental! We prioritize patient care and appreciate that laser dentistry can be beneficial for many, including those more hesitant to make dental appointments. To learn more, call our office at 972-255-3712 or explore our website.