If you have your wisdom teeth removal coming up, you have probably been reviewing your aftercare instructions so you can prepare ahead of time. It is common for patients to experience some soreness for a few days following their procedure, but it is important to get plenty of rest throughout the healing process. Continue reading to learn some tips that can help you sleep soundly during your recovery period so you can get back to your normal schedule as soon as possible.
Sleep in the Correct Position
It is best to sleep with your head elevated above your heart for the first 24 hours following your tooth extraction. It can reduce swelling and promote clotting. This is crucial for the healing to go smoothly. Sleeping on your side allows you to more easily keep your head propped up on a pillow compared to sleeping on your back, so many patients find this position more comfortable.
Take Medication as Directed
Managing pain is an important part of getting a good night’s sleep. You should closely follow the instructions of any prescribed medications you are given and over-the-counter medications you are taking. Try to time it so you take your last done about an hour before going to bed. This way, you are setting yourself up for a sounder sleep. You shouldn’t take more than what is recommended. If you are still feeling discomfort, use a cold compress against your jaw to numb some of the soreness.
Create a Comfortable Sleeping Environment
There are things that you can do to make your bedroom extra comfortable so that sleep comes easier. Use shutters, blinds, or curtains to block out any light coming in from outside. Set the temperature to cool and/or turn on a fan so you don’t get too warm. If it helps, turn on a white noise machine or other relaxing sound effects so you can comfortably drift off to sleep.
Closely Follow Post-Operative Instructions
In addition to taking medication as directed, be sure you are following other post-operative instructions for optimal healing and comfort. For instance, it’s important that you stick to softer foods so you don’t disturb the healing site. Keep the area clean with saltwater rinses beginning the day after your surgery. Stay properly hydrated too! When you are healing well, you will be able to sleep much better.
Don’t Stay Up Too Late!
It is crucial that you get enough rest so your mouth can heal quickly and efficiently. Even if you tend to be a night owl, you should try to get to sleep earlier than you normally would. Avoid looking at screens before bed and try to wind down by reading a book or meditating.
Recovering from having your wisdom teeth extracted may not be the most comfortable few days, but by using the tips listed above, you can get the rest you need to recover smoothly!
About the Practice
At 21st Century Dental of Irving, we have a team of four skilled dentists. With their combined experience and expertise, patients can get pretty much anything they need under one roof! If your wisdom teeth have been bothering you, we would be happy to help. For more information or to schedule a consultation with us, visit our website or call (972) 255-3712.