Summer is a time for many activities you normally don’t get to enjoy year-round – camping, swimming, hiking, cookouts, and more. Your routine gets disrupted, and that can be a lot worse for your health than you might think. By not sticking to a dental routine, your oral health can take a beating this summer. To prevent that, follow these 6 tips to keep your teeth healthy while you’re on vacation.
1. Schedule a Checkup Before You Leave
If it’s been a while since your last appointment, why not get it out of the way before your vacation? That way, it won’t weigh on your mind while you’re trying to relax on the beach. Your dentist can also diagnose and treat any problems that might arise while you’re out of town. You wouldn’t want a toothache to ruin your vacation!
2. Don’t Go to Bed Without Brushing Your Teeth
After hanging out on the beach all day, it can be tempting to just hit the hay when you get back to your hotel room. Unfortunately, this can spell disaster for your oral health. When you go without brushing, plaque builds up on your teeth and causes cavities. Even if it’s not for the full two minutes, brush your teeth at least a little bit right before bed.
3. Limit Sugar Consumption
Many of us stray from our diets in the summer, and that can impact more than just our waistlines. Frequent exposure to sugar can wreak havoc on our teeth because bacteria love it. Try and switch out that sugary soda with something sugar-free instead.
4. Chew Gum
Speaking of sugar-free, chewing sugarless gum after you eat is a great way to stay on top of your oral health. Gum helps increase saliva flow, which helps wash away excess bits of food and keeps your mouth clean.
5. Don’t Chew on Ice
Chewing on ice sounds like a great way to cool down, but it increases your risk of having a dental emergency. Ice can make you break or chip a tooth. Drink something cool without munching on the ice. If you can’t resist the temptation, opt for a chilled drink without ice to stay cool this summer.
6. Stay Hydrated
There are very few health problems that can’t be solved by drinking more water, especially during the hot summer months. Did you know that drinking more water can also prevent cavities? This is because it washes away food particles and stimulates saliva flow. Drinking more water can never hurt, especially when it’s so hot outside.
Taking care of your teeth is always important, whether you’re at home or on vacation. Follow these tips to make sure your summer stays dental emergency-free!
About the Practice
At 21st Century Dental & Sleep Center, we use only the most advanced technology to deliver the most comfortable care possible to our patients in Las Colinas and other areas in Irving, TX. Each of our four dentists brings a unique set of skills to the table. You can get pretty much all of your dental needs met under one roof. For more tips on how to take care of your teeth this summer, visit our website or call (972)-255-3712.