Even a mild toothache can be incredibly distracting and make basic activities such as eating more difficult than they normally would be. You could have trouble focusing at work, and constantly focusing on what could possibly be wrong with your tooth could have psychological consequences as well. It’s crucial to see your emergency dentist as soon as you can, but it’s also helpful to be able to diagnose your toothache on your own so that you have a clearer idea of what’s wrong – and how urgently you need treatment. Read on to learn more about 5 possible toothache symptoms and what they might mean.
1. Jabbing Tooth Pain
Sometimes the word “toothache” is a bit misleading. You might instead feel an unusual stabbing sensation that comes and goes when you open your mouth or bite down on something cold. You won’t always feel the pain, but that won’t make it any more enjoyable. Normally, this symptom points to a tooth that has been cracked or is suffering from decay.
2. Sensitivity
A sensitive tooth will painfully react to hot or cold temperatures. This typically occurs when you eat certain foods or drink particular beverages, such as popsicles and hot chocolate. However, some teeth are so sensitive that even a cold breeze can result in an unpleasant experience. Sensitivity could be linked to gum recession or worn-down enamel, but it has been known to accompany cavities as well.
3. Dull Tooth Pain
If you ever had a toothache, chances are this is the kind of discomfort you experienced. Even though the pain itself is relatively mild, it does tend to linger; painkillers provide temporarily relief but won’t solve the underlying problem. This kind of toothache could mean you grind your tooth at night or that inner nerves have been damaged in some way.
4. Extreme Throbbing
You might be able to wait a few days before having other kinds of toothaches treated, but if you’re experiencing extremely painful throbbing, you’re in the middle of a true dental emergency and need immediate care, particularly if you notice any swelling that could point to an infection.
5. Pain That Occurs When Eating
There are situations where your tooth will feel normal most of the time but start to hurt whenever you bite down on something. This normally means you have some form of tooth decay or a dental fracture. You should schedule an appointment in the near future and use over-the-counter medications to try and limit the pain in the meantime.
Ignoring a toothache is never a good idea; it will almost always be linked to a more serious oral health issue that could have grave consequences if ignored. Get in touch with your dentist at the first opportunity and describe the pain as clearly as possible so that the issue can be solved quickly before it grows any worse.
About 21st Century Dental
Visiting 21st Century Dental & Sleep Center means receiving treatment from a team of four experienced dentists, all of whom have unique skills and can offer different kinds of specialty care to their patients. Thanks to our early morning hours and our ability to offer same-day emergency appointments, we can help you find relief from your tooth pain as quickly as possible. To schedule an appointment for your toothache, visit our website or call (972) 255-3712.