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10 Notable Benefits of Adult Orthodontics in Las Colinas

January 5, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsmith @ 10:23 pm
A mother and daughter hugging outside.

Many people assume that treatments which work to straighten crooked teeth are only performed for cosmetic purposes. The reality is misaligned teeth have many health implications that you’ll want to consider. For example, did you know that an uneven bite is more likely to put you at risk of chronic conditions like TMJ disorder?

That’s definitely not something you want to discover later in life, which is why now is always the perfect time to consider adult orthodontics in Las Colinas!


Your Options for Orthodontic Treatment in Las Colinas

December 13, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — drsmith @ 9:26 pm
braces vs. invisalign

Are you concerned about the alignment of your teeth? Have
you always wanted a straighter smile, but you have yet to make the investment?
Now, you have a couple different options for orthodontic treatment in Las Colinas. Traditional braces or clear aligners can move your teeth into their correct positions, but how do they work? Each uses a slightly different method to align your teeth.


Discover the Benefits of Braces in Las Colinas

December 3, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — drsmith @ 2:33 am

man with attractive smileDo you often hide your smile because you are insecure about your misaligned teeth? Although you have always wanted to straighten them with braces in Las Colinas, you feel they only offer aesthetics benefits. While they will improve the appearance of your smile, there are also several other advantages. You are never too old to invest in your confidence and your oral health with a straight smile.


A Dentist Lists 5 Reasons to Use Your Insurance Before December 31

November 20, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsmith @ 12:24 am

Can you believe that 2018 is almost over? In just a few weeks, you’ll be unwrapping your new calendar, launching yourself into your new year’s resolutions, and looking forward to all the adventures that 2019 will offer. But before the curtain closes on this year, you should put a visit to your dentist in Las Colinas on your to-do list. Let’s discuss a few reasons why you should take full advantage of your dental insurancebefore December 31, 2018.


Unhappy With Your Smile? Let Your Cosmetic Dentist Help!

November 11, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsmith @ 12:22 am
close-up of beautiful smile

Do you like what you see in the mirror? One survey foundthat a staggering 65percent of people are unhappy with the way their smile looks. Theycited issues like stained teeth, crooked teeth, and missing teeth as reasonsbehind their dissatisfaction. What about you? If you could change one thingabout the way your teeth look, what would it be? Whatever cosmetic problems arerobbing your grin of its true potential, you can rely on your cosmetic dentist in Las Colinas to provide treatment that will help youachieve the Hollywood-ready smile of your dreams.


Are Porcelain Veneers in Las Colinas Trending? Ask a Dentist!

October 8, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsmith @ 10:30 pm

A man smiling at his dental appointment.It’s amazing what people can do to transform their smile seemingly overnight. You see celebrities like Tom Cruise or Chrissy Teigen walking on the red carpet or posing at a photo shoot, but you don’t ever notice that their natural teeth are covered by breathtaking porcelain veneers.

Remember, you don’t have to be a celebrity just to benefit from cosmetic dentistry. You can get porcelain veneers in Las Colinas, as well as many other cosmetic treatments starting today. Keep reading to learn about the most popular treatments and their benefits!


Important Tips to Know Before Your Oral Surgery in Las Colinas

September 6, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsmith @ 10:52 pm

A woman covering her mouth.Whether it’s for wisdom tooth extractions, dental implants or root canal therapy, oral surgery is a very useful skill for a dentist to have. However, most people aren’t aware of what oral surgery entails when they’re told they need a common procedure done. In the event that you finish a dental exam and the dentist tells you that you need wisdom teeth extracted to prevent future damage to your mouth, don’t panic!

Instead, take the time to know the answers to these three questions before your oral surgery in Las Colinas.


Watch Out for Dry Socket after Oral Surgery in Las Colinas

August 16, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsmith @ 1:57 pm

person with a toothacheIf you have just had your wisdom teeth taken out or are preparing for the procedure, you are certainly not alone. Some estimates say that around 5 million patients in the United States will undergo wisdom teeth removal in 2018. The wisdom teeth usually do not develop until the late teens through adulthood — and when they do, they can cause serious issues with oral health. Having oral surgery in Las Colinas to get them removed is a wise decision.


Cosmetic Dentist in Las Colinas on Maintaining Teeth Whitening

July 11, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsmith @ 6:56 pm

couple riding on a motorbikeHaving your teeth professionally whitened is a great way to enjoy a more youthful, vibrant grin.  After the treatment is complete, you probably won’t want to stop smiling — but wouldn’t it be too bad if those gorgeous results were only temporary? If you don’t watch what you eat and care for your teeth properly, they just might be. Keep reading to learn your cosmetic dentist in Las Colinas’s tips for maintaining teeth whitening results!


Your Dentist in Irving Offers Help for Teeth Grinding

April 13, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsmith @ 4:25 pm

man with jaw painTeeth grinding, sometimes referred to as bruxism, is a harmful habit that can prematurely wear down your teeth and cause problems with your temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Unfortunately, this problem is all too common among adults and children alike. If you are among the countless individuals who grind their teeth, what can you do to curb this behavior and protect your beautiful smile?


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